A few Reminders:
- Unless otherwise posted (as sports or Ceremonial etc) uniform for Tuesdays is C5 (Sea Training Uniform which is ballcap, blue collared shirt, black t-shirt, pants, belt and boots).
- The gate and building will be open at 1800 hrs with cadets to arrive between 1815 hrs and 1830 hrs (6:15 PM -6:30 PM).
- Parents are invited and encouraged to pop in at 2100 hrs (9:00 PM) for Announcements or any questions you may have that our staff can assist with.
- Dress for Sundays is comfortable sports clothes and cadets for Drill Team practice should bring parade boots and ballcaps.
- Snacks are available on Tuesdays and Sundays (cookies, chips and pizza when possible)
- Bring your refillable water bottle every Sunday (and Tuesday)