COURAGEOUS has been invited to have 15-20 cadets attend HMCS PREVOST’s awards and presentation evening, to be attended by the Commodore of the Naval Reserve on Wed 1 Nov 23.

Details for Wed 1 Nov 23:

Dress for cadets is STU (C5) – ballcap, blue shirt, black t-shirt, pants, socks, parade boots, belt, rank slip ons

1900 hrs – Arrive at HMCS PREVOST,

1915 hrs – Parade falls in

2000 hrs –  Parade complete – short reception to follow where cadets will have the opportunity to meet the Commodore

Given the short notice and duration (45 minutes) of the parade, this opportunity is limited to more senior/experienced cadets (MC and above in rank) listed below:

MacDonald Elizabeth CPO1
Deen Noah CPO1
Pink Westly CPO2
VanOosten Summer CPO2
Liberato Nathan CPO2
Bartholomew Noah PO1
Green-Roy Jakob PO1
Hammond Hailey PO1
Jami Anish PO1
Lucier Sawyer PO1
Papreja Arnav PO1
Whiting MacAlister PO1
Whittaker – Blackstock Daniel PO2
Bagga Aparajita PO2
Teague-Violante Tiago MC