Saturday Feb 25 is our Marksmanship Competition 7:30 AM – 1:00 PM (end time is approximate).
Final selection was a difficult task but we’ve filled each spot for the Corps Air Rifle Marksmanship Team (3 sr and 2 jr cadets).
CPO2 MacDonald, PO2 Hammond, PO2 Green, AC Arora, AC Bagga will be competing tomorrow at the Zone Competition.
PO1 Hurst, PO1 Orchard and PO2 Papreja – thank you for volunteering to be Range Assistants for the day to help the competition run smoothly.
Dress for all participants is comfortable civilian clothing (athletic wear suggested). Team members – Corps T-Shirts that were handed out Tuesday.
Everyone should arrive at our building 7:30 AM for registration, set-up and 10 min practice shoot. **Bring your OHIP Card – this is a must-have to attend/participate and also your refillable water bottle**