Tuesday, June 4th (18:15-21:00) – Sail Prep Day: We’ll be holding a Ship’s Company Mandatory Training to introduce basic Sailing skills before our Sailing Weekend on June 8th and 9th! Cadets are encouraged to bring a method of notetaking, as we’ll be covering important details. More info can be found here.
Saturday, June 8th – Sunday, June 9th (07:15-19:30) – Sail Days: Cadets will have the opportunity to earn their CANSail 1 or 2 if qualified (CNS Staff will conduct evaluation of skills required for each CANSail level). Cadets are to bring a refillable water bottle and MUST bring a valid OHIP Card to participate, along with the appropriate attire (provided in the Kit List).
NOTE: Saturday, June 8th – We have been invited to participate in a brief Change of Command Ceremony for HMCS PREVOST on Saturday June 8 at 7:00 PM which is the time the bus returns. Senior cadets (MC-CPO1) are asked to participate and parents are invited to attend as spectators to the Change of Command Ceremony. All should be wrapped up by 8:00 PM. Senior Cadets are asked to bring their C3B uniform (ironed, pressed, and polished) to the Ship this Tuesday (June 4th) for safe keeping, and will change prior to the Parade.